This girl's momma brought her first baby to me years ago. She was one of my very first newborns! I was still going to my client's homes and setting up wherever I could find space. I wasn't as confident as I am now, and I just didn't have it all together. That sweet baby had just hit her cluster-feeding stride and I'm not sure which one of us was more stressed out: me, the baby, or her momma!
After lots of trial and error, research, classes, and more trial and error, I have found my spot. I know exactly what's going to work, and I know exactly what's not going to work.
I know that my morning appointments will always be better than an evening appointment. I know that I will always be more successful with a wrapped baby for their first pose than an unwrapped baby. And I have learned that I would MUCH rather photograph a 12-16 day old newborn than a 5 day old newborn!
I promise you, I will walk you through these sessions. I will be the leader, I will happily hold your hand, and I will listen to what you want from your baby's first portrait session. Being a first time momma is intimidating enough. You don't need the added stress of a cranky newborn trying to get it's belly full, at the same time an inexperienced photographer is crawling around on your floor.
Take the time to discover your new baby.
Let your new baby discover you.
Rest and breathe.
I'll be at the studio around Day 14 waiting for you guys with open arms, hot coffee, and a couch.
2nd baby + an experienced newborn portrait photographer = 💗