Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Full Steam Ahead

As the year comes to an end, we all tend to reflect on the good, the bad, and the worse. Today, I reflect only on what is to come. No looking back. No turning around. No regrets.


Not a single one.

I can't wait to share my ideas for 2014 with all of you. Lots of changes, new beginnings, and amazing projects are in the works. And while I'd love to share about them all here, right now, in this moment, you must wait. Just a little longer. Promise ;)

So I leave you with this. The most "LIKED" MHP image of 2013. Definitely deserving of this title!

Words can't express how thankful I really am for each and every one of you, but thank YOU.  
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

May you be greeted with nothing short of peace and love in 2014.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What do YOU want?

With the holidays upon us, I tend to get all sentimental thinking about the year that is coming to an end. And I get all gushy and excited thinking about the new year we are about to begin. Warm and fuzzy thoughts, ya know?

With the new year will come changes. It's inevitable. Last year, I didn't change a thing. My branding stayed the same. My pricing stayed the same. I liked it. I was comfortable. My business was up and running. I didn't want to mess with a good thing when it was working. ppssst...I don't like change...

The next year. 2014. Things have to change. I'm ready. As ready as I'll ever be. But are you? I need feedback. I know what I want. I know what my husband wants. I know what all of my mentors want. But none of that matters if you're not happy. So I bring it to you. It's simple. Don't over-think it like I do.

Following your session, what products are you wanting?

Do you want professional prints?

Do you want canvases?

Do you want albums and mini books?

Or are you really just wanting the digital images?

If you are only purchasing the digital images, are you printing them out?

What do YOU want from ME?

See? Simple.

Feel free to respond here on the blog, or contact me directly. The more the merrier. Share this with your friends so I know what THEY want too!

And I leave you with this. Warm fuzzies all around :)