Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Adding on the Fresh 48

I absolutely adore my Newborn Artistry Portrait sessions in the studio. My babies are all snuggly, all is calm, I move methodically, and we listen to our white noise machine. It's peaceful and bright and lovely.

However, the reason I fell in love with photography in the first place (when I was roughly 6 years old...no lie) was because of the emotions surrounding an image. I could look at a picture and feel the raw energy. I could smell the scent from that moment. It was as if I was back there. In that exact spot. Right where I hit the button with my finger and heard the pop of the flash cube. This type of photography is what leads me to the hospital rooms. This is the type of photography that doesn't get an exact plan or set up or design. This photography is raw. It is packed to the brim with emotion. It's what I fell in love with from the start:

Babies. Black and white film.

Capture this emotion and bottle it up. Let's add a Fresh 48 session to your Newborn Artistry Portrait session.



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