Thursday, January 31, 2019

winter babies

Winter is tough, guys. The illnesses flying through the air make me a paranoid mess! I am a germaphobe by nature, so hearing about the flu, RSV, pertussis, etc makes me queasy. I have bottles of hand sanitizer ALL.OVER.MY.LIFE. trying to combat the nasties.

Some of my winter babies are reaching me outside of that early 14 days and THAT'S OKAY!! Please, KEEP THEM HOME. Although my studio is germ-free and I am vaccinated against flu and pertussis, it is important to me that you feel safe bringing your babe out of the house. 

This sweet girl was four weeks old and she ROCKED her session! I think I saw her eyes one time, and then it was off to Snoozetown.

Don't be afraid to contact me for your older newborn's session. No judgement here! We'll make it work!

back to basics

I'm a total blog slacker. I know it. I will admit it. I'm going to own it. And now, I'm going to change it.

We have lots to catch up on! I have changed studios and am now situated on the beautiful Frankfort Avenue in Louisville *bonus that it's right next to Joella's Hot Chicken*, I've photographed so many adorable kiddos and families, and I had another baby of my own! Many of your families have grown in numbers and I am so excited to meet more of you!

Bear with me while I get this site up to date. It's definitely wearing it's three year old face right now. I'm going to get her all shined up and ready to go again with some fantastic content. Watch for a studio tour, some behind-the-scene sessions, and lots of beautiful babies.

In the meantime, check out a sweet pea from last week. He came to me for his two month portraits and completely rocked my morning with all of his squishy goodness.